Wednesday, October 26, 2005


remote for illustration friday.
i missed some topics, but i think this image has something of cold and lost. particularly cold.

black pencil and black crayon.
it looks better in real life...


Neelambari said...

This is cool Träumerei!I like the composition and also i like float for illustration friday, nice idea and cool color scheme.

Catnapping said...

this covers cold, lost, and remote...all very nicely.

that tree looks very icy.

Ellen said...

Hmmm...I didn't think of that..."cold, lost and remote" a curious group of words indeed! Great job with the pencil can see you spent time on this.

Aravis said...

This is really interesting. I like your use of negative space to create the tree and the road.

träumerei said...

thanks neelambari, catnapping, ellen and aravis for your kind comments!

ellen, yes it took some time, but it was shorter than i expected :)
aravis, thanks :) well actually the contrast looks better on real life..i tried to fix it with photoshop but it still looks pretty...brownish/yellowish.

carla said...

This reminds me of a barren area where the few trees have no leaves and the wind always blows. The expanse of white it a good contrast to the pencil shading...the flat feeling adds to the sense of remoteness! And also looks very cold and lonely. Good job!